Google’s experimental workshop wing Area 120 has released a TikTok competitor app called Tangi on 29th January 2020. Tangi is focused on promoting how-to videos, DIY, arts and creations, and community-based quick and short-form videos. Well, it had an initial impression that it was going to a Pinterest ripoff, but it ain’t anymore.
Even though it’s being developed under their experimental branch, it hasn’t got much of experimental design going on, they have just stick to their minimal UI design format very well. What’s funny is that they approached in making a web version of Tangi and a ios version that is available on the app store, rather than going for the android version along with the other versions.
Explore their creativeness focused application filled with crafting, cooking, cosmetics, many more. Sign in with your Google account which will preconfigure your unique username and you can start enjoying their videos right away. Signing in with your Google account would actually let you save videos, see the liked videos, specifically crafted video and creator suggestions for you.
Google probably might felt the heat (market) in the short-form video products, which have seen a drastic growth recently with the advent of short-form video applications like the Vine, TikTok. Thus, they under their experimental Area 120 wing have brought this segmented targetting Tangi app.
Tangi App Broader Perspective
Tangi features videos up to a minute long starting from just 45 seconds, this resembles the vine videos format a bit but the broader perspective with one-minute videos is limitless. The videos can be quick and won’t bear the pressure of going through the huge editing process on the creator’s shoulders who are with very little time and just focused on smaller video formats.
This would also fill the gap of the stories feed and just how TikTok filled the long-form youtube videos and vine video formats, Tangi and Lasso will furthermore fill the gap. This will also could be a chance for those dedicated Youtube creators and to those Twitch streamers to post their short-form videos either on Tangi, Lasso or TikTok as they seem right.
Future Of Tangi App – Assumptions
The future of the Tangi app is very clear, it will start to increase its niche targets rather than just sticking to their current categories. It might be just creative categories or straight away open to all categories in the near future. This would certainly depend on the internal decisions, but they will have to face another giant market opponent which is none another than Facebook and their app is called Lasso.
The reason why Google with Tangi App has to deal with Facebook’s Lasso App is the direct target of Lasso being the entertainment categories or niches with their short and fun videos. It has already captured the android and ios market a tiny bit. Everyone will munch on their popcorns watching the giants fighting in the future for short-form video market shares.
Creators And Monetization Part In Tangi
There hasn’t been much digging happening on the monetization part in Tangi. As it is going through a post-release phase, and very few creators have hopped on to this new platform. Getting advertisers is not a big deal for Google, it’s already a giant in the advertising industry one can easily agree with it by just looking at Youtube and Adsense.
Expecting to see adsense to roll in rather than any new branches of area 120 for handling the monetization part. As the Adsense has one of the largest advertisers registrants who dumps huge amounts daily. What’s most exciting is the creator adverts share percentage, can Google actually provide similar profit-sharing methodology here within Tangi or else it will drop hot with new sharing model.
The app is set to be released for android very soon and to the EU market as well. The big question here, will china accepts or bans tangi? Just how it has done with Youtube and all other apps. Unlike many applications that have its doppelganger at Chinese markets, these short-form apps from the west giants are going to set new prodigies if the heat actually reverses and captures the Chinese market.
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